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About Zack Wischnia

I'm a licensed, independent agent with The Senior Resource Group in Philadelphia, PA. I have been ethically serving seniors in the Philadelphia area since 2014 and have become a trusted advisor to hundreds of clients.

Starting on Medicare can be confusing. I take the time to explain the details and break it down into easy to understand terms. I always check your eligibility for prescription assistance, medical assistance, and PACE/PACENET in order to make sure you receive every benefit to which you're entitled. 

I love the daily interaction with my clients whether in person, on the phone or via zoom or email. It's a privilege to get to know my clients, their families (and their pets!).

I work with all of the carriers/health plans in the area so I am able to objectively guide you in choosing the plan that is right for you. I want to hear about your needs and help you figure out the best approach to meet those needs. 

If you are already enrolled in a plan and you have a question, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. Chances are you may not have to change anything and that's ok! Sometimes the best thing to do is nothing at all. If there is a way to help you or if a different plan will serve you better I will let you know and if you're in the right plan I'll tell you that too!

Again, please know that my services are free. My shepherd mix, June, my cats and I would be delighted to hear from you.




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